Roller bolt bearing
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      The bolt type curve roller is generally of full loaded roller structure, and the bolt shaft raceway is quenched. In order to avoid stress concentration, the outer surface of the thick walled outer ring of the roller is arc-shaped. The outer ring has two integral edges, which are axially guided by rollers.

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  • Functional characteristics
  • The bolt type curve roller is generally of full loaded roller structure, and the bolt shaft raceway is quenched. In order to avoid stress concentration, the outer surface of the thick walled outer ring of the roller is arc-shaped. The outer ring has two integral edges, which are axially guided by rollers. The bolt shaft head and the pressed side retaining ring provide axial support for the outer ring through rollers.The curved roller bearing is suitable for heavy radial load. Because the outer ring is axially guided by rollers, the bearing can also bear heavy axial load, allowing relatively high-speed operation. However, since the rollers are fully loaded, the lubricating grease needs to be replenished frequently. The lubricant can be added through the two ends of the mandrel and the holes on the mandrel body.

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